Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Learning Portfolios Review

This is overall a pretty good CD/CSIT learning portfolio though still not exactly great.  I give it credit for having some very impressive examples of the person’s work and the design of the portfolio is at least ambitious but it’s also thoroughly amateur.  It doesn’t feel like I’m looking at someone’s professional portfolio  so much as I am just looking at a student project, if this was my site I wouldn’t spread it around.  I think my big problem is that god awful big picture stamp right in the upper right corner, it just looks wrong and off and doesn’t exactly jive with the overall aesthetic of the page.  The visual design of the portfolio feels like it’s a funducation page about the American revolution from a local museum in Connecticut that didn’t have a ton of money to spend on the page and they blew most of it registering a domain name.  Maybe the big human face focus could work if this was meant to showcase Miguel’s comedy talent as a designer, sort of like the cover of Weird Al’s mandatory fun but as is it just looks slapdash and non-committal, like he couldn’t decided between being bland and generic or cheap and tonally confused so he combined both. 

This is just bland as far as portfolios go, and I mean blander than bland, I’m talking eating plain crackers with nothing on them and following it up with some tap water and plain white bread untoasted.  The color design seems like it should work all playing off a combination of ice tones and sea foam but it creates this very blended look that makes the page looks far too vast and empty, like the text are just little freckles of activity in this blank and pitiless environment.  I like some of the examples of work like the T-shirts and the trip wise brochure all look very nice, especially the brochure, which, if I didn’t know better, I’d have actually thought was a real in use thing.  Mainly though my take away was that there seems to be a rule that says all project must be intensely boring because if I didn’t actively have the web portfolios up at this moment I probably couldn’t tell you about any of them despite having spent a good 8 minutes going through the entire site.  They’re just all very milk toast and general, I suppose that’s the point, that these are jobs and business portfolios because the best use of your time at school is designing milk toast examples of your skill to impress local businesses.  I don’t know maybe it’s just me but there’s really very little here I’d feel proud of if I had made them, I’d be proud of the money I’d earned from doing them I suppose but not the end product itself, I get that not every design project needs to reinvent the wheel but shouldn’t you want to showcase the projects where you did reinvent the wheel?  Again I suppose you could throw up the big disclaimer of this is just a means to an end, the end being getting hired but that can’t be a goal in and of itself, there’s got to be more to it than that.  I suppose it’s possible both of these people just have the ultra-simplistic life goal of find job and don’t starve, enjoying the simple pleasures of consumable media and gainful employment but that just strikes me as an intensely unfulfilling lifestyle, no one should obsess over just getting hired and making enough money to eat because with that mindset you aren’t living you’re just existing. 

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