Thursday, December 11, 2014

Presentation Reviews

Virtual Reality Team
I thought the virtual reality team had a lot of very intriguing images and presentation format but kind of fell flat in their actual presentation.  You get the sense the presenters are somewhat uncomfortable up on stage in front of everyone and the presenters often came off very quite and shy or stuttering.  I realize that everyone has some amount of anxiety when it comes to public speaking but it left the group feeling decidedly unprepared in my opinion.  It definitely felt like it was more rewarding to just read the information on the slides and examine the images rather than actually strain myself to make out the mumbled and quiet speech of the presenters.  They did seem well informed during the question and answer portion of their presentation so that was refreshing. 

Interactive Cartoons
This team came off very clear and well spoken, all the presenters felt thoroughly prepared and were easy to hear and understand with proper enunciation and a full command of the topic at hand.  However their information felt a little shaky, while the presentation was adequate I can’t help but feel let down as I’m still unsure what exactly defines an interactive cartoon.  Additionally I don’t quite comprehend how exactly an interactive cartoon is separate from say a flash game or various other examples of interactive animations.  I feel like a more stringent definition of terms would’ve really bolstered my understanding of the material here.  I also felt like we didn’t get much grounding in terms of cons just all the pros. 

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