Thursday, September 4, 2014

Learning Journal 1: ITCD Presentation and What I Learned

What I learned from the presentation today was that design work sounds really boring, I'm sorry but it does.  I appreciate a good font choice just as much as the next person which is why I decided to post this learning journal in comic sans, it's the most fun of all the fonts I find and I'm sure everyone agrees with me on this, it was the font used in such critically acclaimed works as Watchmen and Dark Knight Returns and those list on the New York Times best seller list and frequently appear on lists of best or most influential graphic novels of all time, to say nothing of having been adapted into big budget films, one of which (Dark Knight Rises) is in the exclusive club of films to make more than a billion dollars which seems like a hard thing to argue with.  I don’t know I suppose there’s something to the elements of color balance which seems kind of interesting but I don’t think that’s really worth a degree or even classes, all the stuff I know about color balance I’ve learned from my own research and gut feeling, that feeling of personal aesthetics.  If there was a key lesson that’s applicable to everyone though it’s about communication, specifically that clients will always be terrible at it, after all if they were good at communicating thoughts and ideas they wouldn’t be hiring someone else to design something to communicate thoughts and ideas for them.  Also that map of Silicon Valley was some sobering stuff regarding the realization that the software business has somehow created a tense land grab even though basically everything about the product exists in a virtual environment and could be done from anywhere with a strong internet connection. 

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